MY 4-DAY Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference is happening virtually September 7-10, 2023.

This is an opportunity for anyone who's ever dreamed of empowering others by teaching the truth about life’s magic and our power. You’ll become certified to teach all that I teach about life, dreams, and happiness – license and royalty free!

Already we have 3,000 trainers working with people in prisons, teens, women's shelters, the homeless, those in addiction recovery, and in halfway houses. We also have trainers leading workshops, retreats, and speaking to corporate audiences.


I've seen my dreams manifest

"Since becoming a trainer in June 2012, I've seen my dreams manifest in the most amazing ways. I have become the owner of a successful heart-centered business, I've formed life-long alliances with other trainers and I continually discover my limitless potential as I help others discover their own!"

- Tracy Farquhar

Infinite Possibilities Trailblazer

One of the best things I have done in my life

"Attending the Infinite Possibilities Conference was one of the best things I have done in my life. My dream of being a national speaker was realized and now I am also teaching my own material! I'm changing lives and making mine better along the way!"

- Michael Tarby

Infinite Possibilities Trailblazer

A superb manifestation program

"I have found Infinite Possibilities to be a superb manifestation program. Mike Dooley and his dedicated team have truly inspired me for the next 50 years. Since completing my training, I am now on a journey sharing the ART of living our dreams."

- Mala Shah

Infinite Possibilities Trailblazer

If you’ve always wanted to inspire + empower others… this is how! Join our rock-star team of 3,000 trainers, shining our light on life's magic and our power, reaching those who haven’t been reached.


50% Complete

Two Step

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