Register for Playing the Matrix and complete the course online
Register for Playing the Matrix and complete the course online
Please note: If you wish to become Matrix Certified, you must complete the Playing the Matrix online course (with the intention of becoming certified) before completing the Matrix Certification online training. Going into it with this intention will change how you experience it. If you wish to only take part in the Playing the Matrix online course, you do not have to become Matrix Certified (certification is optional).
During this 6-hour online course you’ll learn how to define your dreams in terms of your desired “end results” in ways that allow the Universe maximum freedom to deliver your true heart's desires as fast and harmoniously as possible.
When you become Matrix Certified, you’ll receive a royalty-free license to use Mike’s Playing the Matrix content globally in any way you choose.
You can use it to launch or compliment your own existing for-profit business of coaching, teaching, speaking, writing, etc. Or you can deliver it voluntarily as an act of service in your community. We have trainers who are teaching Playing the Matrix in schools, shelters, and jails, as well as at retreat centers and via live and online workshops.
Register for Playing the Matrix and complete the course online
Please note: If you wish to become Matrix Certified, you must complete the Playing the Matrix online course (with the intention of becoming certified) before completing the Matrix Certification online training. Going into it with this intention will change how you experience it. If you wish to only take part in the Playing the Matrix online course, you do not have to become Matrix Certified (certification is optional).
The evergreen price of this adventure will be $299.95, however for its launch, in light of these unusual times, we're offering 4 payment options. Regardless of which price you choose, you'll receive the entire course. Here’s what we suggest:
$59.95: If anything higher would be a financial burden on your basic needs.
$79.95: If you have steady income but are still trying to get out of paycheck-to-paycheck, overcoming debt, etc.
$99.95: If you have access to a steady income and don't need to worry about basic needs.
$129.95 (This is the true special launch price of this course): If you have some level of financial freedom and security. You'll also receive 6 bonus gifts (one from each channel) if you choose to pay this price.